Monday, June 28, 2010

What's that?

How on earth did the trousers get into the ceiling lights?
Who else? The Super cheeky , super active and super crazy Hairy.!!!!

Now we 've got to find someone to get it down!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Mummy asked Zozo to practise taking pictures with the old digital camera.
But Zozo kept taking this headless person.

Still want to take this headless person.

Alamak cannot breathe...... choice...have to come up from hiding.

H A L L O...............its me....Hairy

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Teluk Batik - Sitiawan

In the morning we went to Teluk Batik,Sitiawan,We went to the seaside.
This place was cool.
Did you see those tyres?Me and Zozo had fun over here.
We made sandcastles,and Zozo found a secret number that it is 7862.
Zozo quickly dug a hole and put the secret number inside the sand.
Zozo is silly I tell you,he should had brought home that secret number,
But then,A three years old boy saw him covering the number but Zozo scolded that
boy. The boy told his father,but the father did not do anything,he was lucky.
I was busy digging a sandcastle and I named it Fotolangariras castle.
Try saying it but to my parents,they all can't spell they said Fotolangiriras,
Zozo said:"Lower your voice!"
I said:"Why?This is a beach,why can't I raise my VOICE!"
I speak louder when I said VOICE.
Now we went to the sea.....
At the sea,We swam to the deep end.
My mother shouted:"CAN YOU ALL GO TO THE SHORE ?"
Then we sat on the banana boat and it moves,
It is comfortable Lah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We sang a song:
The blue sea,the blue sea with some waves all around(2 times)
The boat capsized and we said Ah!
Zozo dive into the sea water without putting his head into the water.
I almost fell of but I held on it. Mom said I look like a fisherman.
Then we came back with our wet clothes.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Arnab dengan kura-kura

pada suatu hari, seekor arnab mentertawakan seekor kura-kura yang bergerak perlahan. si kura-kura itupun menjadi marah. terdorong oleh sifat marahnya itu, dia pun mencabar si arnab untuk berlumba lari. si arnab berguling-guling ketawa. di dalam kepalanya, si kura-kura ini barangkali sudah hilang akal. tetapi si arnab menerima juga cabaran si kura-kura.

lalu mereka pun berlumba lari. tanpa perlu mengerah tenaga, si arnab sudah jauh di depan. sangat jauh sehinggakan jika si arnab berpaling ke belakang, bayang si kura-kura itu pun langsung tidak dapat dilihatnya. merasakan tiada keseronokan untuk menamatkan perlumbaan dengan segera, si arnab mengambil keputusan untuk berehat seketika di bawah sepohon pokok yang rendang tidak berapa jauh dari garisan penamat. tidak lama kemudian, si arnab itu terus lena sambil bersandar di perdu pokok.

berjam-jam kemudian barulah kelihatan si kura-kura itu. dengkuran si arnab bagaikan pukulan gendang semangat ke telinga si kura-kura. garisan penamat hanya beberapa meter di hadapan. sejam kemudian, si kura-kura bersorak riang. si arnab yang terjaga dek sorakan itu bingkas bangun. dengan pantas si arnab meluru ke garisan penamat tetapi ketika itu, si kura-kura sudahpun menari keriangan.Arnab berasa menyesal sungguh kerana kekalahan tersebut.

moral cerita ini :

1. kalau kita bekerja lebih cepat berbanding orang lain, kita akan cepat penat. penat menunggu orang lain.

2. tidak ada salah untuk kerja perlahan-perlahan. lambat laun siap juga.

3. jangan tidur semasa bekerja. sudah siap kerja baru boleh tidur.

4. tidak baik ketawakan orang. kerana orang yang kita ketawakan boleh ketawakan kita balik.

5. jangan percaya apa yang kita baca atau dengar. paling jauh kura-kura akan bergerak dalam masa satu hari hanyalah 40 meter sahaja.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Gift From Church

I have a gift from church,it is a hand-phone charm.
It is cute when it is put on a hand-phone.
Have you got a gift like this????
If yes,tell me by e-mailing me.!
It looks so mother also wants it!!!!

Friday, June 4, 2010

A day

I keep asking my mum to book badminton court,
she agreed.
On Tuesday,never book.
On Wednesday,never book.
On thursday,never book.
On friday,never book.
Finally,On saturday,luckily book.
We played on Saturday4-5noon.
We enjoyed ourself over there.
